APMSA Travel Grant

Guidelines and Selection Criteria

The purpose of this program is to encourage podiatric medical student participation in conferences by partially funding the travel costs of students who would otherwise be unable to attend. Applications are accepted from 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students attending one of the ten podiatric medical colleges.

Funding for the Podiatric Medical Student Travel Grant is split into two pools.

  • Conference travel between July 1 and December 31, 2024
  • Application deadline: CLOSED 
  • Grant award recipients announced: May 6, 2024

Travel Grant Application 2024-2025 - Pool Two
  • Conference travel between January 1 and June 30, 2025
  • Application deadline: CLOSED 
  • Grant award recipients announced: Week of November 11, 2024

A total of $5,000 is allocated per pool. APMSA has put these guidelines in place to help ensure that grant funding will be distributed equally for those students with conferences at the beginning of the year as well as at the end. 

Special Thanks

APMSA would like to thank the following partners for sponsoring travel grant funding. 



4 Travel Grants Annually 4 Travel Grants Annually 2 Travel Grants Annually


The number of awards will be determined by the Student Opportunities and Resource Committee. Grants are intended to defray, but not entirely cover, the cost of attending a conference. The final grant amount will be determined before notifications are made. The amounts listed below are maximums only and are awarded at the committee's discretion.  Only registration, shared hotel room, and airfare (economy) will qualify for reimbursement through the APMSA Travel Grant program. Meal expenses may or may not be partially covered depending upon the total cost and availability of funds. Further details about the reimbursement procedure will be communicated to award recipients. 
Maximum funding is as follows:

  • $200 maximum for 2nd year students
  • $300 maximum for 3rd year students 
  • $400 maximum for 4th year students


  • Applicant must be a student registered at one of the ten U.S. podiatric medical schools, be in their 2nd year or later, and be a DPM candidate prior to travel. Each student is considered to advance to the next year in school on June 1 each year (i.e., 1st to 2nd year, 2nd to 3rd year, and 3rd to 4th year). 
  • All travel must be completed before graduation.
  • The conference must be an important one to the study or practice of podiatric medicine. 
  • Application and all supporting material must be received by APMSA at least 30 days prior to travel. 
  • Travel grants cannot be awarded retroactively; proposals must be submitted before travel. 
  • Only one grant per student per academic year will be awarded or funded. Applicants should prioritize proposals accordingly. 
  • Students who have not previously been awarded a travel grant will be given priority.
  • Before applying, applicants must notify his/her school's administrator. Each school/program will give you instructions regarding any pre-travel requirements. Procedures vary by school. Be sure you know your school's requirements before applying.


Below is a list of documents that you must submit with your online application. 

  1. A resume or CV.
  2. A proposal narrative of no more than 1000 words, including the following:
    • A clear, concise description of the conference including what the applicant intends to do there.
    • A detailed description of how attending the conference will contribute to the applicant's own knowledge, professional development or career.
    • Applicant should indicate whether he/she has submitted a paper/poster to the conference.
    • A brief justification of the amount of funding being requested from APMSA and an explanation of proactive attempts to obtain other sources of funding. 
  1. A brief letter of support from a faculty member stating:
    • The applicant is in good academic standing.
    • The faculty member supports the travel and endorses the applicant.
    • Why the applicant would benefit from attending the conference.
    • The applicant's strengths
    • How the applicant's presence will contribute to the conference.   
    • Why the applicant is in need of a travel grant. 
  1. A detailed, well-justified budget that includes estimated expenses for attending the conference (total and breakdown by registration, travel, lodging, and meals).


  1. Applications will be blindly reviewed by the Student Opportunities and Resource Committee which is chaired by the APMSA President-Elect and composed of 3rd year delegates from each podiatric medical school.
  2. Travel award applications shall be evaluated on a fifty (50) point scale as outlined in the Travel Grant Evaluation Rubric
  3. The Committee will review applications pursuant to the schedule above. 


  1. Awardees will be notified electronically via email and will be required to formally accept or decline the award.
  2. If an awardee does not respond by the listed deadline, the award will be noted as being declined. 
  3. If an awardee declines an award, or is unable to attend the conference, s/he must notify the APMSA as soon as possible at [email protected].

Travel Grant Funds

  1. The individual will only receive funds to cover the exact expenditures up to the amount approved. 
  2. Travel Grant funds approval will be rescinded in the event that acceptable proof of conference/event participation/attendance is not provided.
  3. Travel Grant funds may not be used for: personal travel, items not included in the original travel grant, purchase of alcoholic beverages, rental vehicles, or association dues.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us at [email protected].